Monday, January 23, 2012

Childhood Memories: Full House

Does anyone remember the episode of Full House where Uncle Jesse's song "Forever"made it to number JAPAN! This is NOT to be confused with the one where the family got "stranded" on a "random" island in Hawaii and ended up on stage with the Beach Boys (oops...spoilers...sorry). I have asked countless people and not one knows what I'm talking about. (Okay...I've asked two people, but still...that's two too many!)

The other day I had a huge craving for honey-roasted peanuts. Despite my suspicions about having a mild nut allergy, I bought a small bag which lead me to think about the aforementioned Full House episode. Here's what happened:
Jesse's song "Forever" went to number one in Japan and the record label decided to fly him and his family over for a little tour. Jesse, Becky, their twins (Nicky and Alex - yeah...I even know the middle names of D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle: Margaret, Judith, Elizabeth), and Jesse's Japanese servant had to fight their way through a mob of screaming fans to get to the dressing room. Jesse sends his servant out into the crowd countless times because he keeps changing his mind about what type of nuts he feels like for a snack. He finally settles on the type he had on the plane ride over...Honey-Roasted! Right before he sends his servant (I think his name was Koji or something) out into the crowd again, Becky gives Jesse a look of utter disgust and, in an accusing tone, says "Jess?!" This is when Jesse, innocently asks "What?" Becky backs down.
LATER in the episode, Becky explodes at Jesse because he's not spending enough time with her and the twins, NOR has he written to little Michelle.

MY POINT...Becky is being a douche nozzle*! I mean this is Jesse's DREAM to be a rock star. He's clearly not going to obtain that status in the U.S. (In later seasons, The Rippers eventually kick him out of the band and when Jesse starts a new one he names it...wait for it...Hot Daddy and the Monkey Puppets. Yeah...nail in the coffin.) Why can't Becky just let him live his dream for a brief few weeks? Sure, he needs to stay grounded but he has work to do! He can't really tell the record company, which is paying for this trip, that he would rather go on a tour of Mount Fuji with his family. Shouldn't Becky be glad the company is letting her and the twins come along?

Becky pulled the same stunt when they went to Disney World, too. Again, Jesse was there to WORK with his band and she got all bitchy because he didn't meet her for a picnic. Really? The whole reason you're there is because of your husband's work. You're really going to bitch about it? Not to mention you're staying at the Grand Floridian...the GRAND FLORIDIAN! Perhaps if Jesse got to tour in Nebraska, Becky would feel differently.

*A special thanks to my friend Suzanne for the term "douche nozzle".

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